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Feed the Fam: Samira’s Snacks

This entry is part of 26 in the series Feed the Fam

My name is Samira Dilles and I am a Personal Trainer and Fitness Team Representative at Saint Mary’s Fitness Center. I am in the process of getting my Bachelors of Science in Nutritional Sciences and Community Health Science. Health and Fitness have always been a passion for me and it is now my goal to share that passion with everyone.

As a fitness/health enthusiast and Certified Personal Trainer, I feel it is my job to encourage a healthy lifestyle - not only through exercise but through nutrition as well. Getting to the gym and exercising is only a small portion of your day; the decisions you make for the remainder of day have a huge impact on your health.

Don’t let you time in the gym go to waste! There are many ways to substitute ingredients in some of your favorite recipes to make them fit your fitness goals. Here are a few of my favorite go-to recipes when I am craving something comforting and satisfying. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do!


Protein Pops

- 2 cups 0% Greek Yogurt

- 2 scoops vanilla whey protein isolate

- 1 tbsp vanilla extract

- ½ cup unsweetened almond or cashew milk

Optional: ½ cup fruit chunks and/or nuts of choice

Mix all ingredients well until all lumps are gone and place into Popsicle molds. You can use pixie cups and popsicle sticks as well. Freeze for about 2-3 hours and enjoy!

Makes approx. 4 popsicles

Guilt Free Chocolate Bark

- 2 tbsp melted coconut oil

- 2 tbsp chocolate protein powder

- ½ tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder

- 1oz (approx. ¼ c) mixed nuts, seeds, and dried fruit

Mix melted coconut oil, protein, and cocoa powder until smooth. Place parchment paper over baking sheet and pour in mixture. Spread into a thin layer, about 1/8 – ¼ of an inch. Sprinkle with nuts and seeds and pop in freezer for 10 minutes. Break up into chunks.


Homemade Granola Bars

- 1 packed cup of medjool dates

- 1 ¼ cup mixed nuts and dried fruit (almonds, cashews, craisins etc)

- 1 cup rolled oats

- ¼ honey or agave

- ¼ sugar-free peanut or almond butter

Mix nuts and oats in a large bowl Process dates in food processor until rolls into a ball. Break up date paste ball over oat mix. In small sauce pan, heat nut butter and agave/honey until well mixed but not boiling. Pour over dates and oat mix. Wet hands (to repel the sticky dates) and mix throughly with hands. Flatten out with hands on a lined baking sheet and pop in freezer for 10 mins. Cut up into bars. Should make 10-12 bars!

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