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Get the Kindness Ninja FREE On Amazon!



I met Brian Williams three years ago after watching his TedEx Reno talk on the ripple effect of random acts of kindness. I literally watched that video and knew I had to meet this inspiring man that lived right here in Reno. I did something I had never done before: I called him up and asked to meet him. I didn’t know why, but I was inspired by him, and felt that I wanted to be a part of the mission of Think Kindness.

I drove to his office for Think Kindness, a local non-profit where he is a CEO, and after learning more about Think Kindness, I soon joined the board of this great organization. Brian’s passion for kindness is infectious, and through Think Kindness, he and his team inspire measurable

Brian Williams after a school assembly

acts of Kindness in schools and communities around the world. Together, we believe that each act of Kindness, no matter how small, has an unforeseeable ripple effect that makes the world a better place.


Brian’s martial arts instructor taught him since childhood that ‘Kindness was the ultimate form of self-defense’ and they were not training to just become a black belt in the arts, but a Kindness Ninja. A true Kindness Ninja, as he was taught, is a person that carries out an act of Kindness without the desire of seeking recognition.

Now Brian is on a mission to inspire crowds of Kindness Ninjas in schools across the country to ban together in solidarity to make a massive difference in the world. His infectious energy and positivity has earned him national media exposure on MTV, USA Today, & MSNBC. He has spoken to over 250,000 students across the country, collected over 300,000 pairs of shoes for needy children and families around the world, produced 2 award-winning humanitarian documentaries and has traveled to Kenya nine times to carry out Global Acts of Kindness.

I was honored to partner with Brian to create a children’s book that will spread the message of kindness, and inspire children to do acts of kindness in their own communities. It is  a story about young Brian, who is challenged to join a secret society of Kindness Ninjas, to gather his own team and perform acts of kindness “ninja style”, secretive and without seeking recognition.

We have been working together on the Kindness Ninja: Recruiting The Team for the past year and a half. and are thrilled that the book is live on Amazon. Until Christmas Day, you can download the book FOR FREE! The book will inspire children to perform their own acts of kindness, and will give them ideas of what they can do. It is also a great conversation starter for parents.

At Think Kindness, we believe that the best way to combat bullying in schools it to inspire kindness in children. We have all seen the news of scary incidents at local schools that were caused by bullying.

Let’s plant the seeds of kindness in our children, and in our local community.

Join us by downloading the book for free and sharing it with your children. You can help us take this message far and wide by providing an honest review on Amazon.



About Lynnette Bellin

Lynnette Bellin is the owner and site manager of the Reno Moms Blog. She is a married mother of a tween girl and a rambunctious little boy. Lynnette moved to Reno in 2001 after choosing to live in a place that she loved for its natural beauty. Lynnette has written four children's books, including The Kindness Ninja and a series of three books called Adeline’s Magical Moments Collection. She has been obsessed with blogging since 2002. She is also on the board of Think Kindness, a local non-profit that inspires measurable acts of kindness. Lynnette loves to experience the outdoor adventures in our area, including skiing, hiking, camping, and open water swimming. She is especially thrilled to have her kids starting to love the same hobbies, and spends a lot of time shuttling them to the pool, Lake Tahoe or the ski area depending on the season. Lynnette’s life is a blur of kid activities, mediating sibling arguments, making homemade meals, and hugs and kisses, mixed with days of working in content marketing.

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